The American Heart Association maintains an active advocacy presence in all 50 states. We provide staff support and policy resources to local elected officials and state legislators as they draft and pass legislation related to cardiovascular disease and stroke. Our state advocacy staff teams are able to provide media advocacy, grassroots advocacy and direct lobbying support. We advocate for the passage of state laws and local ordinances that impact heart disease and stroke risk factors as well as policies that further protect survivors of heart disease or stroke.
Keeping You Informed
Can My Voice Really Make a Difference?
Fighting heart disease and stroke seems like a huge battle. It's hard to believe that just one voice can make a difference. But it can. By just writing, calling or visiting with decision-makers YOU can help change the laws and policies that affect your life!
Why Does This Matter To Me?
Every year, close to a million Americans die of heart disease and stroke. They are your friends, your neighbors and your family members. These diseases affect all of us in some way.
What Will I Be Asked To Do?
When you join the American Heart Association's Advocacy Network, we will ask you to call, write or visit decision-makers at the federal and state level and in your community. We will ask you to express your views on important AHA issues.
The AHA will send you information on easy steps that you can take to help. You will receive:
- Requests for action: to call, write or visit policymakers
- Updates on AHA issues
- A quarterly newsletter
You can respond to the issues that are important to you and become as involved as you like. Most importantly, you'll know that your call, your visit, your letter, YOUR VOICE made a difference.