Brian Williams
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Why Aren't Companies Hiring?
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By Brian Williams, National Center for Policy Analysis, August 12, 2011

The U.S. government's inability to arrive at a responsible debt solution invited Standard and Poor's downgrade and the market's biggest plunge since 2008. By refusing to take serious strides toward fiscal restraint, our leaders have shaken the American economy to its roots and compromised the nation's fiscal credibility. 

Instead of focusing on criticizing and the controversy over the downgrade, I wish our leaders would focus on how to improve the economy. Just how can the economy be fixed? One obvious way is job creation. So, what are some ways our leaders could foster that? The NCPA has published a new Congressional Brief called "Why Aren't Companies Hiring?" Summarizing key facts and policy recommendations in an at-a-glance format, the publication pinpoints the real culprits behind the tough job market: taxes, health reform costs, regulations, and trade restrictions. The NCPA offers practical public policy changes to reduce these barriers and spur job growth.

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