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The 'part time' economy behind the job numbers
When you look more closely at the job numbers, the gild comes off the lily. Over at, they dig a little deeper and point out some disturbing facts, such as "about 160k of private jobs added in Feb are 'low-paying work' which left average hourly earnings up only 0.1%."
This is not the foundation for sustainable economic growth or income growth. From the article:
Finally, and most, importantly, we hope that this analysis has proven that while the BLS may play around with various numerators, denominators, seasonal adjustments, and other irrelevant gimmicks which are only fit for popular consumption particularly by those who have never used excel in their lives, a deeper analysis confirms our concerns, that not only is America slipping ever further into a state of permanent "temp job" status, but that a "quality analysis" of the jobs created shows that the US job formation machinery is badly hurt, and just like the marginal utility of debt now hitting a critical inflection point, so the "marginal utility" of incremental jobs is now negative, which means that Obama, or whichever administration, can easily represent to be growing jobs, and declining the unemployment rate by whatever gimmick necessary. Yet these very jobs are now generating far less in so very critical tax revenue for the US treasury, and continue to declining steadily in quality.
To read the full analysis, click here.
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