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Job Creators React To President's Budget
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Dallas, TX - Members of the American Institute for Growth issued the following statements reacting to the President's budget for Fiscal Year 2013:

JCA Chairman and Austin Capital CEO David Park: "Working families and small businesses know that budgets are critical for setting priorities. But this budget does not prioritize the very thing that made America's economy the most prosperous in the world: free enterprise. Instead of unshackling entrepreneurs, this budget doubles down on a failed status quo of bigger government, higher taxes and no fiscal discipline. Businesses across this country are looking for less regulation, more competitive tax rates and the kind of policy certainty that will encourage them to invest and hire. Unfortunately, after this budget, they'll have to keep looking."

Martin Marietta Materials CEO Steve Zelnak: "It’s about time the Obama Administration recognizes the correlation between business and workers. The very reason people drop out of the workforce is the very reason so many businesses have stopped hiring: uncertainty. "

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