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Research goes high-tech to fight heart disease and stroke
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The American Heart Association is teaming up with researchersfrom the University of California-San Francisco to create a digitally basedresearch network to study heart disease and stroke.

The Health eHeart Studywill  use technology, such as smartphones and computers, to track people’shealth and habits over many years.. The research is expected to provideinformation on what causes cardiovascular disease and how to fight it.

The study has been positionedas a “digital Framingham” in the footsteps of the renowned Framingham HeartStudy, which launched in 1948 and continues to follow cardiovasculardevelopment over decades in three generations of participants.

Researchers hope to sign up asmany as 1 million people to participate. Anyone can join the study, which isbeing featured in a CNBC documentary airing tonight at 9 p.m. EDT.

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